Self-Confidence and Self-Control

I would like to brag on Datoniya, a third grader at Rivera Elementary in Denton, TX. She has participated in the Communities In Schools of North Texas program for a couple years now, and she is definitely showing more and more growth as time goes on.

This year, Datoniya has the opportunity to work with a mentor and has demonstrated wonderful success when working with Mrs. Dorothy Watts! Datoniya joined CISNT for help with her academics as well as help with her self-esteem. She is making great strides in her class work and I am exceptionally proud of her efforts in building her confidence and self-control!

While she used to struggle to control herself in class or around the school, Mrs. Watts and I are starting to see her remember her coping skills in the moment and really work on finding the best way she can respond to frustrating situations.

I am so proud of everything Datoniya has done so far this year and know that she will shine brighter and brighter as the year goes on!