The Dazzling Ladies of Sigma Delta Lambda Sorority has made great strides with the girls at Calhoun Middle School in Denton, TX.
Individual members of the sorority first came to me to mentor in October and were an absolute blessing to my girls. With their arrival, I now had mentors that many of my students could relate to and potentially see themselves in.
After talking more in-depth with some of the sorority members, SDL expressed an interest in potentially digging deeper and making more of an impact than just one-on-one mentoring. They soon began working with the Girls Operating As Leaders (GOAL) program that teaches young women to be leaders in their schools and community through the game of soccer. SDL had met with the girls numerous times throughout the school year and discussed various topics from what high school and college is like to how to avoid negative influences to breaking their cycles of poverty.
On March 25th, the sorority welcomed the GOAL group to Texas Women’s University to receive a tour of the campus and an academic presentation on what they needed to do to prepare for college. Although many of the students have lived nearly their entire lives in Denton, it was the first time the majority of them had ever visited the university that was just a few blocks from their home campus. Many of the girls liked the small community feel of TWU and stated they could now see themselves furthering their education in the near future. Thank you, Dazzling Ladies of Sigma Delta Lambda, for empowering young women at Calhoun Middle School!