Mindfulness Activities Promote Healthy Mindsets

Every Monday through Thursday I have mindfulness activities prepared for students at Prairie View Elementary in Northwest ISD. Students who participate have the opportunity to start their day with a healthy mindset! I get these activities from a boxed card deck called Mindful Kids: 50 Mindfulness Activities for Calm, Focus, and Peace.

I dim the lights in my office in the morning when my students come in to establish a calm presence. The morning activity that students complete is listed on the board. Most of these activities only take 5-10 minutes to complete, and some of them are as simple as sitting crisscrossed and focusing on slowing down our breathing before we enter into our full school day.

Currently, the group only has CIS students attending, but it is open to any student who is interested in participating. Each morning, about 5-10 students participate, but I hope this grows throughout the school year and becomes a normal part of my student’s morning routine!