Mentor Helps Student Build Social-Emotional Skills

Hugo began participating in the CISNT program at Mill Street Elementary after his teacher recognized his need for greater social-emotional support. Hugo was specifically finding it challenging to make friends and concentrate in class. To help, Shonarie Chamorro, the CISNT Site Coordinator at Mill Street Elementary, matched Hugo with a volunteer mentor, Mrs. Taffie, and they have been meeting weekly since mid-September, providing Hugo with a consistent positive relationship with a caring adult. 

Mrs. Chamorro said, “Mrs. Taffie really takes the time to know her students and pays attention to small details.” Mrs. Taffie’s dedication has helped Hugo flourish. He now looks forward to spending time with her every Wednesday and the many things they work on together. He even regularly checks in with Mrs. Chamorro on Tuesdays just to make sure Mrs. Taffie is still coming the next day. 

To Mrs. Chamorro, Hugo getting excited for the activities and conversations he and Mrs. Taffie have together is a great impact. CISNT will continue to help students connect with others to improve their social-emotional skills.