Congratulations, Ezra, 2022 Student of the Year at Mill Street Elementary School!

Congratulations to Ezra, the 2022 Student of the Year at Mill Street Elementary!

Ezra has faced challenges in school due to behavior and challenges with building connections with teachers and staff. Ezra is a one of a kind student who has many passions and energy, however, at times this energy would get in the way of his learning. Ezra started to fall behind in turning in assignments, focusing in class and even sometimes falling asleep. Teachers at times did not understand how to help Ezra calm down when he would cause disruptions in class. 

Ezra has now been in CIS for three years and Shonarie Chamorro, the CIS Site Coordinator at Mill St ES, has helped Ezra overcome these challenges by pairing him a mentor, which has had a positive impact on his life. Having a mentor has allowed Ezra to have time to talk to a caring adult when he’s struggling in school, and it has allowed him to see that adults can be interested in the things that he has to say as well. His mentor comes to visit him every week, and if she misses a day she will make it up another day. She has even had times where she would sit in the office with him when he’s had a tough day.

Additionally, CIS has been able to bolster Ezra’s social emotional skills by referring him to one of CISNT’s Mental Health Coordinators, Samantha Lott. Ms. Lott worked with Ezra on mindfulness and anger management. Over nine sessions, Ezra learned to better problem solve and to take extra time to think about positive solutions when he is feeling frustrated.

Even though every day is a work in progress he keeps showing up to do the work. Ezra is a student who is resilient and never gives up no matter how hard of a day he is having. He’s learned that he can rely on adults to listen to him when he is struggling or that he can talk to his mentor about the deep conversations/topics he likes to have.

Ms. Chamorro shares, “Even though his year started out with a few bumps in the road with frequent office visits and referrals, Ezra has come a long way. He has even caught the principal’s attention who has noted she is amazed at the way he has turned around. in how great he has been and has not had one office visit since putting CIS services in place. Everyday will be a work in progress but every day he is closer to meeting his goals. He is a hard working student that should be recognized and that is why I think Ezra deserves to be CISNT 2022 Student of the year.”

Ezra is on a path towards a bright future and we can’t wait to see all he achieves in school and in life!