A Great Attitude

My name is Leroy Brown, and I am an intern for Communities In Schools at Bettye Myers Middle School in Denton, TX. I have known Skylar, an eighth grader, for 4 months, and within that time he has made major improvements towards his personal growth.

When I first met Skylar, he told me he was in the process of changing for the better. When I asked him why he wanted to change, he told me, “I just want to be a good person.” The reason I’m bragging about Skylar is because of his humbleness and why it exemplifies him being a being a good person.

Skylar decided to try out for the basketball ball team at Bettye Myers Middle School, and he told me he was cut from the team. I felt for Skylar because I have seen how much he likes being involved in team activities. Although I was saddened by this, when I asked him how he felt about it, he told me he didn’t mind. He stated that he is playing soccer this season, but he just wanted to see where his skills lie within basketball and that’s why he tried out.

I’d like to point out that not a whole lot of kids have that type of attitude of being knocked down and being able to get back up again so quickly. Skylar has shown he has an exceptional way of thinking about things that don’t go his way. He is very resilient in that matter and always has a game plan if things don’t work out the way he wants them to.

Skylar looks to find ways to solve problems instead of neglecting them. This is something to brag about, because Skylar has overcome adversity and personal struggles. The attitude he has towards completing a goal is a trait that cannot be taught.