Mental Health Support Helps John Achieve In School

***Student’s name has been changed for privacy.  John, a student at Lake Dallas MS, was first referred to CISNT by his counselor at the beginning of the school year. John has had trouble dealing with both grief and stress as his father was diagnosed with a terminal illness. This has weighed heavily on him, and […]

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CISNT Recognizes World Mental Health Day

**Student’s name has been changed for privacy. October 10th is World Mental Health Day, an international holiday dedicated to bringing awareness to the importance of mental health through education, empowerment, and advocacy against social stigmas. Different international organizations have created themes for their 2021 World Mental Health Day campaigns. The World Federation for Mental Health […]

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CISNT Holds 2021 Stay In School Banquet

Summer is almost here, and North Texas schools are in the final stretch of this one-of-a-kind school year. It was a challenging and unusual year, but our students, staff, volunteers, and educators went above and beyond to end the 2020-2021 school year on a strong note! To recognize their achievements, CISNT ended the month of […]

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Drake Builds Self-Confidence and Finds His Place on Campus

Nellie Apodaca, CIS Site Coordinator at Central Elementary School, first met Drake when he was in second grade. Drake and his family had just moved to Texas from another country, and Drake was having a very hard time adjusting. Leaving his friends and other family members behind was difficult, and the educational setting at Central […]

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CISNT and Lewisville Area Chamber of Commerce Organize Drive-Through Resource Fair Serving More Than 2,000 Lewisville Area Residents

  On March 27, the Lewisville Area Chamber of Commerce and Communities In Schools of North Texas (CISNT) held a contact free, drive-through resource fair, benefitting more than 2,000 individuals from 450+ families. The recent winter storms, on top of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, have posed numerous challenges for families in North Texas over the […]

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CISNT Site Coordinators Jump Into Action Following February Winter Storms

The month of February flew by, but it certainly did not leave quietly. During the week of February 15th, a series of intense winter storms and extreme low temperatures left many Texans without power, heat, and running water, with road conditions and overwhelmed services worsening these issues. From the first signs of cold temperatures to […]

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Stress and Coping During COVID-19

The topic of mental health has reached a new level of relevancy in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the current social climate. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes that have touched the daily lives of many people, and children and adults alike are feeling the effects of these changes. The increased […]

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Mental Health Awareness Month: Supporting Student Mental Health During COVID-19

May is Mental Health Awareness Month (MHAM), and in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, mental health awareness is a topic that could not be more relevant.  One of the foundations of the CISNT mission is the belief that every child deserves a safe and stable place to learn and grow. For many children, that safe and […]

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CISNT Celebrates World Mental Health Day

Two years ago, CISNT started a Mental Health Initiative with the purpose of doing what was best for kids and filling the gaps in resources for students and families in our community. By adding a Mental Health Coordinator CISNT was able to expand services offered to students on campuses. Through our Mental Health Coordinator we […]

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