CISNT Small Groups Offer Reflection, Discussion, Creativity for North Texas Students

CISNT programs support North Texas students through a wide variety of services, including small groups. Small groups are one of the most important services provided by CISNT Site Coordinators. These groups provide a space for students to connect with peers, foster discussion and reflection, participate in social emotional learning (SEL) exercises, and pursue creative endeavors. This week, we’re highlighting some of the awesome small groups our Site Coordinators have been holding on their campuses! 

At Paloma Creek Elementary School, Site Coordinator Kellyn Savage took a moment to highlight her awesome 5th grade boys’ group. The group focuses on friendship, leadership, and conflict resolution skills, and during the group’s most recent meeting, the boys decided that they wanted to gear their conversation toward future goals! 

Ms. Savage writes:

“In our latest group meeting, I asked the group what are some things they want to spend time learning about, and the boys all agreed they want to talk about their goals for the future and how they can start working towards those goals. I thought this was notable, as not many boys at this age are thinking this far ahead nor do they willingly bring it up when they are surrounded by their friends. While this group will continue to learn about important social skills, we will now take time to research different colleges and career paths. I look forward to this group every week because I know these boys are wanting to work and become better versions of themselves!”

We love seeing our younger CISNT students thinking so actively about their future aspirations! CISNT applauds Ms. Savage for providing these terrific kids with resources and a space to discuss their goals! 

This month, Erika Delgadillo, Site Coordinator at Bridgeport Elementary, asked students in her Behavior Groups to list the best and worst part of their year, and to set a new goal for 2021. Guided by these questions, students took time to speak about the past year and what the future may hold.

Ms. Delgadillo writes: 

“The objective was to think back, discuss struggles and growth, and to regroup for a better year. The students shared their fears of COVID-19, being out of school, having to re engage, wearing masks, and personal family dynamics. Our students understood a new perspective on life as they stated that they learned that life could change in an instant. They were encouraged to always find the good, even in the hardest & unprecedented times.”

2020 presented a lot of new challenges and circumstances for many people, and we appreciate the ability of these students to reflect thoughtfully and engage in candid discussion! We also thank Ms. Delgadillo for encouraging her students to find positivity in times of strife. 

At Bridgeport Middle School, Site Coordinator Jamey Carpenter asked her 7th and 8th grade girls’ groups to work on Vision Boards. Vision boards are an artistic and creative way for students to focus on positive affirmations and communicate their goals using magazine clippings and collage art, and Mrs. Carpenter’s girls’ groups went above and beyond! 

Mrs. Carpenter writes: 

“The girls worked hard sifting through various magazines to find just the right pictures and quotes to represent their thoughts and dreams. Below are just a few examples of the Vision Boards they came up with. I’m so proud of the dedication they put into this project. Many even worked outside of lunch groups (during TORO or free time) to find what they wanted to represent themselves on their boards.”

The vision boards created by Mrs. Carpenter’s girls’ groups are inspiring and thought provoking! Luckily, this is an activity that anyone can partake in – simply find some old magazines, cut out photos and words that reflect your goals, and paste your clippings to a poster board. Thank you, Mrs. Carpenter for sharing the awesome work of your students! 

CISNT’s Site Coordinators are true innovators when it comes to guiding discussion and activities in small student groups at their campuses, and students in these groups form positive connections and engage in introspective discussion with their peers. Small groups are central to CISNT’s mission to empower North Texas students to stay in school and achieve in life, and we applaud our Site Coordinators for guiding small groups and for being #AllInForKids!