How to Spell “A Great Mentor Match!”

Jose-SpellingA teacher came to talk to me concerned about her student Jose, a second grader at Seven Hills Elementary in Newark, Texas. He is a bright kid but was beginning to fail his spelling tests.

Jose’s mom works a lot, and her work schedule changes frequently, which makes it difficult for her to spend time to help him with his schoolwork. We decided it would be a great idea for Jose to meet with a mentor to help him with spelling.

I matched Jose with Sandra Godbey, and he was very excited about this. It was great seeing how they paired up so well on their first meeting, and Jose seemed very excited about learning to spell. On the way to his classroom, I quizzed him with his spelling words, and he knew them all!

That following Tuesday, I received an email from his teacher with a picture of his spelling test. He got a 93! She was so happy and impressed! It just shows the brilliance in each child, and that all it takes sometimes is that one-on-one time to go over words and make learning fun. I’m so thankful for the time and effort that Sandra gives to helping Jose succeed in school and in life!