Kindness Week 2023

February 13th-19th was National Random Acts of Kindness Week, a week that inspires others to spread joy and kindness. Communities In Schools of North Texas celebrated this week on many of our campuses through some fun kindness activities for students!

At Paloma Creek Elementary, CISNT Site Coordinator Valeria Corrales worked with her kindergarten social skills group to create kindness jars. They shared positive affirmations with others and practiced how to say them loud and proud. She shared, “The students loved this activity because they got to express their art skills and had something tangible to practice self-esteem.”

Clara Love Elementary Site Coordinator, Alexa Terry created a kindness month daily challenge calendar. Students completed random kindness challenges, and the school staff gave out “Caught Being Kind” certificates to any student who completed those challenges. Alexa mentioned, “It is very helpful to have the support of the teachers and staff when implementing activities like this. I made a bulletin board that says “Take What You Need” and was covered in sticky notes with messages, such as “You belong here.” “You matter.” “All feelings are okay.”, and other kindful messages students could keep for themselves or pass along to a friend.” 

The Kindness Week fun continued at Bridgeport Middle School, where Site Coordinator Jamey Carpenter inspired her students to decorate kindness rocks. Students used paint, kind phrases, and smiley faces to depict kindness. They then added the rocks in a basket where other students could either take one for themselves or take one for someone else.

CISNT also celebrated through adding positive affirmation notes on a kindness tree at Degan Elementary, creating a kindness chain at Lewisville Elementary, and a kindness post-it note wall at Pike Middle School.

Even though Kindness Week was last month, we hope to celebrate kindness all year round! Communities In Schools of North Texas believes in creating a safe place for students to learn and grow, and we can’t do this without kindness! Shout out to our amazing Site Coordinators and their teams!