Mentor and Student Relationship Blossoms from Elementary to High School

Eliza was matched with her mentor Vanessa in 5th grade at Rivera Elementary through the CISNT leadership mentoring group. They continued to meet weekly during middle school at Myers Middle School and now at Denton Ryan High School for the last 6 years.

Vanessa and Eliza have bonded over the years through shared life experiences. One day while talking they both realized they had each lost a father when they were young and were able to connect over this. They also share a love of reading and discussing their latest books, they were both once cheerleaders, they can finish each other’s sentences according to Vanessa, and they even look alike. Many times during their mentoring relationship they have been mistaken for sisters.

According to the Site Coordinator, Olumide Aje, Vanessa has been an amazing advocate in helping Eliza find her voice when dealing with some tough issues at school. 

Vanessa is currently a graduate assistant at TWU and has been able to use this knowledge of college life to help guide conversations with Eliza about college and career goals. Eliza has a goal of one day being a radiologist.

Vanessa shared that what has been most impactful to her is seeing Eliza’s emotional and social growth over the last 6 years. She started out as quiet and guarded and has now blossomed. Eliza now has a job and has participated in both yearbook and the drill team at her high school. 

When asked what she likes most about her mentor, Eliza says “I like that she is always there for me, and I like that I feel like I can talk to her about anything (good or bad).”

We are grateful for mentors like Vanessa who show such commitment to our students.  Thank you Vanessa!