Mia Opens Up with the Help of her Community of Support

**Student’s name has been changed for privacy.

With the support of the Orchid Giving Circle at Texas Women’s Foundation, Ngun, the CISNT Chin Family Engagement Specialist (CFES), has provided critical supports to meet the needs of Chin students and their families. Ngun is a CISNT alumni and native Hakha Chin speaker, and has established great rapport with Chin students, evidenced by her relationship with Mia, a 7th grade student at Hedrick Middle School this year. 

Mia first joined the CISNT program as a 6th grader during the 2020-2021 school year. She was connected to the Chin FES by Katie Ortiz, the CIS Site Coordinator at Hedrick Middle, and began attending a lunch group with other female Chin students. Mia’s mother had concerns about how Mia would fit in at school because she was a quiet student who often kept to herself and didn’t talk much with others. 

However, after attending group sessions, Ngun observed positive changes in Mia’s behavior. The lunch group typically met a few times a week and focused on providing a safe space for students to share their experiences and culture. Ms. Ortiz expressed that the Chin FES and group services were a great support for students as they transitioned to middle school. Mia, and many of the students in the group, bonded over shared experiences and challenges of being bilingual and having to adjust to a completely new environment. Having someone that students can identify with, speak to about their culture in the same language, and process through difficult events such as the military coup in Myanmar earlier this year, has been critical. Ngun became a safe person for students to turn to for support. 

Mia began to open up more with Ngun, her classmates, and her teachers, and would greet people in the halls and initiate conversations. Additionally, although Mia was a good student, she often struggled with the language barrier. Ngun provided social-emotional, basic needs, academic, and translation supports to address Mia’s needs. With access to the resources she needed to overcome challenges in school, Mia also began to show improvement in her academics. On her STAAR test, Mia ended up testing at the masters grade level for Math. When she first met with Ngun, Mia wouldn’t talk much about her grades and schoolwork, but after building rapport, she is more confident asking for support from both CISNT and school staff.

Mia has made significant progress with the support of the Chin FES and has been able to build a one-to-one relationship with a caring adult who speaks the same language and shares the same culture. Ms. Ortiz says that the Chin FES has been a “key in bridging communication, making sure students and families are informed about resources that are available to them, and making sure that their voices are heard by school staff and administration.” Ngun has been able to provide unique, critical supports for Chin students like Mia by giving Site Coordinators and school staff a better understanding of students’ needs. CISNT is excited to see what is in store for Mia this year, as she continues to receive support from the Chin FES and her CISNT Site Coordinator!

Thank you, Orchid Giving Circle, for your continued support of CISNT and the Chin Family Engagement Specialist. With your support, we are able to surround Chin students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.