Moses’ Determination Puts Him On a Path Toward Success

Moses is a sophomore at Denton High School and has been with the CIS program since he was in middle school. Jessica Mier, CIS Site Coordinator at Denton HS, says that Moses has struggled with attendance and being engaged in his education. Last year, Moses especially struggled with time management and turning in assignments. At the end of the school year, Moses did not receive any credits for his classes and had to make them up during summer school. When Ms. Mier and Moses met at the beginning of this school year to discuss his goals for the semester, he expressed feeling more motivated to improve in his academics and advocated for himself by asking for more support.

Ms. Mier believes that seeing his credits at the end of last year pushed Moses to do better this year. Moses now comes in regularly for academic support and has built a strong relationship with Ms. Mier based on trust. He checks in with Ms. Mier multiple times a day, and they discuss the subjects he needs additional support with, as well as subjects he is confident in completing independently. In addition to academic support, Moses has learned organizational skills such as using sticky notes to keep track of weekly assignments and due dates. Since learning these new skills, Moses has caught up in almost all his classes and his grades are steadily improving.

With Ms. Mier’s support, Moses’ determination has put him on track to success this year. Moses says, “it feels good to know that I can actually do my assignments on time” and has mentioned that he does not want to be the person he was last year. Moses has turned in every single assignment so far this year, showing significant progress from last year. His math teacher, Coach Thomas, has noticed his efforts and has said that Moses is a great student this year. If Moses needs support from CIS, Coach Thomas is more than willing to let him go to visit Ms. Mier, especially after observing that he has not missed any assignments in her class and the improvements he has made since coming to CIS on a frequent basis.

Communities In Schools of North Texas believes that transformative relationships are the key to unlocking a student’s potential, and Ms. Mier has provided a caring, supportive one-to-one relationship for Moses this year. Ms. Mier says, “I am so proud of his determination and can truly see all the positive changes he has made since last year!” CISNT is so proud of Moses and the progress he has made this year and knows he is on the right track towards a bright future!