Mrs. Fisanick Goes Above and Beyond to Support CISNT and Students

Mrs. Fisanick is the Librarian and Media Specialist at Peters Colony Elementary School. She has been an educator for 25 years and has been a CIS support and partner for 10 years. 

She is an amazing educator with so much knowledge and charisma. She truly loves her job, and every day comes to school with such a great attitude. I truly believe she knows every student in our school by name. She makes every student feel welcomed when they enter our school in the mornings. She is always sharing books/websites/and tips with our school staff. She has so many wonderful things to share about community events, digital resources and of course books!!! She has been an educator for 25 years and every day she has a smile on her face. She is always willing to help others and encourages our students and staff. Our students love going to the library because they will always learn something new. In the past years she has applied and won several grants to help support our school library.

Mrs. Fisanick has supported the CIS program for many years at Peters Colony E.S. and prior to that at Central E.S. When I first started working at Peters Colony, she offered to help with anything I needed. She supported the Leadership Group program by allowing me to use the library to hold the monthly meetings. Each time I had a CIS event she would help with setting up tables and with greeting our volunteers on campus. She always makes our CIS volunteers feel welcome to our school and the library. If she sees a student in need, she will let me know so I can follow up with the student. She never hesitates to refer kids to CIS. I feel like the small things she does for CIS are very meaningful to our program.

Mrs. Fisanick goes above and beyond to fulfill her duties as an educator. She spends many hours researching new ideas/books/technology tips and then turns around and shares her knowledge with students and staff. I think that the most impactful thing an educator can do is share their knowledge with others. She treats all students and staff with kindness and so much love.

Congratulations to Mrs. Fisanick on being the 2022 CISNT Educator of the Year at Peters Colony Elementary School. Thank you for always going above and beyond, not only for students, but also for teachers and fellow educators.