Olumide Aje is the Site Coordinator at Calhoun Middle School in Denton, TX

Name: Olumide Aje
Program Site: Calhoun Middle School
Years or duration with CISNT: 5 years

What do you like about working for CISNT?
I love working for an organization that I know does everything in its power to make sure that our clients have all the support necessary to be successful by empowering and not enabling.

What is your favorite program to implement on your site and why?
I like the Girls Operating As Leaders (GOAL) soccer program because I love sports and it allows me to work with kids in that setting while teaching them life lessons that I’m not sure would be received as easily in any other environment.

Share a success story which always makes you smile.
Honestly, it is seeing some of my former kids graduate. To see the same kids that drove me nuts for three years walk across the stage and begin their new journey in life just evokes an emotion that can’t be described.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to do just about anything involving sports whether that is watching, playing or coaching some sport.

What is one thing your coworkers may not know about you?
That my first name (Olumide) means “My son is here/has come”

One thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?
I just want to know that when my time has come that I was able to make the world a better place.

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