Getting to Know You – Julie Redus
Julie Redus is the Site Coordinator at Lewisville High School-Killough in Lewisville, TX.
Name: Julie Redus
Program Site: Traditional Site Coordinator at Lewisville High School Killough
Years or duration with CISNT: I first began as an intern with CISNT, and am now beginning my 5th school year with the organization.
What do you like about working for CISNT?
I am so proud of the mission of CISNT and fully stand behind its meaning. I really enjoy helping students identify the issues that are preventing them from being successful in school, and helping them to eliminate those barriers so they are able to achieve their goals. I am passionate about being an advocate for our students. I like to be that point of communication between their school setting and home life to help everyone see the full picture of the student’s story. Watching my students feel empowered and succeed is very rewarding!
What is your favorite program to implement on your site and why?
I am really thankful for having such a large mentoring program at my campus. It is such a gift to watch as a student builds that one-to-one relationship with a mentor. It is so impactful on a student to be able to see their mentor on a weekly basis, bonding with each other, and having a role model to encourage them along the way.
Share a success story which always makes you smile.
I have so many moments with CIS students that I cherish, but one student in particular always comes to mind. We have a student here at Lakeland that was born with a very rare and serious heart defect, and being a refugee from Myanmar (Burma), he was unable to seek medical attention until he was much older. Once he arrived in the U.S. he was able to get the care he needed, and his doctors could hardly believe the recovery that he has made so far. Having never been in school before, and now being in his first school setting in the U.S. plus having these additional medical issues, the student fell behind in school. He did not let having to repeat the 3rd grade make him feel defeated, instead he constantly was excited and thankful to be here and came every day with such a happy spirit! Though his medical needs will always be a fighting factor, it has been wonderful to work with him, and help him to accomplish 3rd and 4th grade! I know he will keep up his wonderful attitude as he begins 5th, and look forward to seeing him continue to grow and succeed!
What do you like to do in your free time?
I love spending time with my family and friends. Taking my dogs on trail walks or being outdoors. I also love reading and going to concerts!
What is one thing your coworkers may not know about you?
I am left handed, but pretty much am ambidextrous. Maybe that is why I talk with my hands so much.
One thing you hope to accomplish in your lifetime?
I hope to come to a place in my life where I am able to travel long term to other countries, and be involved in some form of international social work. I hope that it would either be in a missionary trip setting or through an organization like Habitat for Humanity. I have volunteered with Habitat for Humanity before, and was able to go to Romania. That trip was such a blessing, and I hope to be able to visit Myanmar (Burma) next!