Providing a Safe Space for Students

At Griffin Middle School, Mrs. Rosma Newell, CISNT Site Coordinator, provides support to students, ensuring they have what they need to succeed in school, especially those students dealing with the transition to middle school. As the beginning of the school year kicked off, CISNT welcomed students and began providing intentional, one-to-one and group services. In the month of September, small lunch groups returned to Griffin. Mrs. Newell has seen great success with her lunch groups, with many students participating and feeling that CIS is a safe space. Despite groups being only 30 minutes long, Mrs. Newell facilitates a safe environment where students are encouraged to embrace and share their feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

Groups have provided students with opportunities to feel heard and to support their peers. Mrs. Newell and her students have created expectations to be courteous, respectful, and open to ideas that are brought to the table. These expectations of listening, respect, positive feedback, and using their time wisely help build the students’ social skills. Mrs. Newell hopes to build upon these skills so that students can succeed in school and in life.

Additionally, as September was Suicide Prevention Month, Mrs. Newell created a theme of “Be Kind To Your Mind” for her groups, and facilitated conversations on coping skills and giving grace when facing challenges. Mrs. Newell shares that “the biggest thing for me is that so many students feel alone, and they don’t have to be alone.” Mrs. Newell provides a one-to-one relationship with her students, and encourages them to know that they can come to CISNT for support. “Kids in this age group often seek help from their friends and peer group. It’s helpful to equip the students to identify these risk factors or feelings so they can know when to ask for help and who are the safe people to seek that help from.”

At Griffin Middle School, Mrs. Newell has built strong relationships and rapport with her students and campus staff and administration. She has provided intentional services to ensure her students are engaged, while also meeting them where they are at. With the support of CISNT, many students have learned critical coping skills and mental health support to navigate their middle school years and beyond. CISNT looks forward to seeing how Griffin Middle School students continue to grow this year!