Students End 2020 on a High Note with Academic Achievements!

The Spring Semester is in full swing in North Texas, and we are so excited to see what CISNT students will accomplish as we tackle the first semester of 2021! With that being said, we want to take a moment to shout-out some of our spectacular students who shined bright in the last month of 2020.

At DeLay Middle School, ACE Site Coordinator Aspen Flowers recognized one of her students, Olamide Akinyemi (pictured to the right), for going above and beyond to succeed in school. Ms. Flowers says that Olamide “represents, embraces and ecompasses what it means to be an ACE student,” and had many words of praise for Olamide following the end of the Fall Semester. 

Ms. Flowers writes:

“Let me just brag a little bit about the educational achievements of this young lady! She always starts to study a few days to a week before the test, making sure she has a set schedule, and she always sticks to her schedule. This student asks questions immediately if she doesn’t understand something. Each day, you can guarantee that she is working on her homework before engaging in a fun activity. SHE IS A STAR STUDENT!”

Wow! CISNT is incredibly proud of Olamide for putting time and effort into her schoolwork and for bringing a positive presence to ACE. Way to go, Olamide and Ms. Flowers! 

At Lakeland Elementary, Site Coordinator Aydee Duarte has seen a positive change in one new student, Mary. When Mary first arrived at Lakeland, assimilating to her new environment posed a challenge. Mary struggled with learning English, and frequently had issues completing schoolwork and participating in virtual learning. Now, almost a year later, Mary has come a long way!

Ms. Duarte writes: 

“Mary has been continuing to receive one-on-one supportive guidance services. She takes pride in reminding her classmates of appropriate behavior for the hallway, and is extremely proud of the words that she is able to remember in English. And although her grades are not perfect, she continually tries her best. Mary is one of the few students who rely on CIS to be a big part of their support system, with academics, social emotional learning, and behavioral guidance. As I continue working with Mary, I see her resilience and perseverance with her eagerness to learn and grow with the help and support of her village.”

We are thrilled to see Mary’s growth over the course of a year, and we can’t wait to see what else she accomplishes with the support of Ms. Duarte and CISNT!

At Northwest High School, Site Coordinator Cooper Spruill has witnessed the growth of one student, Jane, over the course of a few years with CISNT. When Mr. Spruill first met Jane, she was quiet and reserved, and struggled with poor behavior and attendance. Today, Jane has made a complete turnaround when it comes to her academics and attendance, and Mr. Spruill couldn’t be more proud of her progress!

Mr. Spruill writes:

“Over the years, Jane came to trust in CIS as a safe space for decompression, academic completion, and regularly participates in CIS lunch groups. This year, Jane has learned to value and appreciate her education more deeply, and through personal choice rededicated herself to her learning. Today, Jane no longer struggles with poor class attendance, and is achieving in all of her courses. I am tremendously proud of the ownership of education that Jane has shown over last semester and I am thrilled to continue supporting her on her educational walk. Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished Jane, we are proud of you!”

Jane has made impressive personal changes during her time with CISNT, and we are so happy that she has Mr. Spruill cheering her on every step of the way!

Site Coordinators like Ms. Flowers, Ms. Duarte and Mr. Spruill make all the difference for students who need extra support in school. As we tackle a new year, we are looking forward to all the wonderful and inspiring stories that will come out of CISNT classrooms across North Texas! 

CISNT is in schools and beyond, because CISNT is #AllInForKids!