Give your time and make an impact in the lives of North Texas students this year!
Check out our roles below to find your fit.
Our Volunteer Roles
At CISNT, we have a variety of volunteer roles which support our mission to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
Learn more about each role in the descriptions on the right!
Have questions not answered in our role descriptions? Check out our FAQ!
Mentoring is statistically our most impactful volunteer role, providing both academic and emotional support to students in need. Studies have shown that students engaged in a high quality mentoring relationship are more likely to achieve higher grades, exhibit academic and emotional confidence, engage in positive relationships, and pursue post-secondary education.
Individual CISNT Mentors meet with one student once per week and provide support by simply walking along side them throughout their school year. These meetings take place the same and time each week to provide consistency to the often inconsistent lives of the children we work with.
One CISNT student at Lake Dallas High School said of her mentor, “She’s been a great help towards me and I am really glad I met her. I enjoy our talks during lunch and class time. She has helped me be less shy around new people and has helped me find ways to make more friends.”
CISNT Leadership Group Mentors participate in one of our campus-based leadership groups, facilitated by the CISNT Site Coordinator.
Mentors meet with their students in a group atmosphere, with a focus on developing leadership skills in student participants. Each program offers a different day and time each month when luncheons are held.
Mentors are also asked to meet individually with their student at least one additional time per month outside of the luncheon date in order to further facilitate the growth of their relationship.
NOTE: Not all CISNT programs have Leadership Groups, so while we will do our best to place Leadership Group Mentors at the school of their choosing, it may not always be possible.
CISNT Academic Coaches provide academic support for our students, either one-on-one or in small groups. This can range from general homework help to subject specific coaching, all of which is conducted under the supervision of CISNT staff. This support is critical in equipping and empowering students to meet their academic goals.
Academic Coaches provide one hour of service per week throughout the school year.
NOTE: This in an opportunity for all community members, but if you are a college student looking to volunteer for course credit, please see our Service Learning Volunteer description specifically as this is designed to help us provide the best support for completing your class requirements.
After 3rd grade, students begin reading to learn, so reading on grade level at this age is critical. However, a 2019 study showed that 39% of Texas 4th graders were behind in reading.
Reading Buddies help to address this by providing students with the opportunity to practice their reading skills and comprehension 4 times per month alongside a caring and supportive adult.
CISNT Enrichment Coaches provide critical enrichment and social-emotional learning opportunities for our students in small group settings. This can range from helping to facilitate a group on managing anxiety to running a soccer, dance, music, or art club all of which is conducted under the supervision of CISNT staff. If you have a passion for a specific activity that you would like to share with our students, let us know by emailing our Volunteer Department at
Enrichment Coaches typically provide one hour of service per week throughout the school year.
NOTE: This in an opportunity for all community members, but if you are a college student looking to volunteer for course credit, please see our Service Learning Volunteer description specifically as this is designed to help us provide the best support for completing your class requirements.
Food insecurity is a significant barrier to success in school. In fact according to the North Texas Food Bank, 1 in 5 North Texas students are food insecure, meaning they do not have reliable access to the food they need. So to address the basic needs of our students and families, CISNT offers Nutrition Hubs, or food pantries, at all campuses served.
Food For Kids Volunteers support CISNT Nutrition Hubs in one of two ways:
- By driving to a local pick up spot to pick up food orders and then delivering them to CISNT campuses so the food can be distributed to students to take home on the weekend.
- By assisting CISNT staff with portioning the food deliveries into individual packs and distributing those packs to students to take home for the weekend.
This is a bi-weekly volunteer opportunity.
In the availability section of the volunteer application linked below, please indicate whether you are interested in driving or in assisting CISNT staff on campus.
There is currently a high need for Food for Kids Volunteers to assist with manning the nutrition hubs at our Denton ISD campuses. For information on specific campuses, contact our Volunteer Department at
Volunteer service can be a great way to gain hands on experience outside of the classroom while giving back to the local community. CISNT strives to assist our service learning volunteers with not only supporting our students, but also completing their course requirements.
CISNT partners with local colleges and universities to provide direct service opportunities to students in Education, Social Work, and other related fields.
Events are one way we help expose our students to potential future careers, get them ready for college, provide support to parents and families, and so much more! Our Event Volunteers help ensure that these events are a success.
If you are interested in volunteer at one of our events or represent a group looking for a one time volunteer opportunity, please fill out our Event Volunteer Interest Survey below. Please note: If you are already in contact with one of our Site Coordinators about helping with their event and have been sent our Event Volunteer application link, you do not need to fill out this survey.
MyImpact Account Login
If you need to update your contact information, view our New Volunteer Orientation, access record of your service to submit to an employer, civic group, or student organization, you can do all this and more from your MyImpact volunteer account.
Do you have a group that you would like to get involved with CISNT?
If you are thinking about getting your church group, sorority/fraternity, civic group, or business involved volunteering with CISNT, we would LOVE to talk with you more! Please email our Director of Volunteers, Jennifer Hughes, at to set up a meeting.