Congratulations, Paul Voorheis, 2023 CISNT Volunteer of the Year!

CISNT believes that ALL children need and deserve a one-to-one relationship with a caring adult. Based on this belief, CISNT engages over 800 volunteers in our programs every school year to pour into the lives of our students as positive role models and advocates.

Mr. Voorheis provided a one-on-one relationship with a caring adult, where his mentee could share about how he was feeling before it led to explosive outbursts.

Mr. Voorheis and Trenton lost touch for a few years after he transferred to a different school, but later reconnected. After reconnecting, Mr. Voorheis provided more academic support for Trenton, as he struggled with school engagement and motivation. They consistently work on creating good study habits, becoming more organized, turning in assignments on time, and exploring passions and interests for the future.

Mr. Olumide Aje, the CISNT Site Coordinator at Ryan HS, shares that Mr. Voorheis would do anything to see his students succeed. “He has made such a huge impact on his mentee’s life by just showing up every week and showing him that he cared even when the student didn’t always reciprocate the same energy.” His mentees have shared on numerous occasions how thankful they are that there is someone in their lives that consistently shows up and backs up their words and promises with action. Mr. Voorheis truly embodies what it means to be #AllInForKids and we are thrilled to honor him as the 2023 CISNT Volunteer of the Year!

Watch his video here. Thank you, Mixed Media Creations!