For over a decade, Dr. Kevin Rogers, former Superintendent of Lewisville Independent School District (LISD), has been a steady and positive presence in the lives of students through his volunteer work with Communities In Schools of North Texas (CISNT) and other charities. His story is one of dedication, consistency, and deep care for the young men he mentors.
Dr. Rogers’ journey with CISNT began over two decades ago through his work in LISD, but he says his knowledge of CISNT’s mission to surround students with a community of support was deepened even more once he became LISD’s Chief Operating Officer overseeing all schools and activities and joined the board of PediPlace, a local healthcare nonprofit that serves many of the same children as CISNT.
So 13 years ago when the CISNT Site Coordinator at Rockbrook Elementary reached out to Dr. Rogers about having young boys at her campus who needed a mentor, he didn’t hesitate to get involved. His first mentoring matches were with two young boys, one a 3rd grader and the other a 4th grader, but he has gone on to mentor four other boys, following them from elementary school through middle and high school. He had the privilege of seeing three of them graduate high school, and though one moved away after seven years, he continues to meet with his two current mentees who are in 10th and 11th grade at Lewisville High School.
“As I moved into higher administrative positions in our district, I still wanted to stay connected to kids,” he says. “Volunteering for CISNT was one of several ways I was able to do that, even while being Superintendent! It’s such a blessing to me.” Dr. Rogers has always been committed to meeting with his mentees at least once a month, maintaining the connection he has built with them over the years. During their meetings, they spend time talking about his mentees’ classes, grades, and extracurriculars as well as college and their future plans. “Our 30 minutes certainly goes by fast!” he says.
Dr. Rogers believes that the impact of mentoring goes both ways. “I think that’s the deal always; You get more from volunteering than what you give! I truly believe we’re meant to serve and serving others, particularly kids (or young men) is invigorating and enjoyable!!” he reflects.
For anyone considering volunteering but feeling hesitant, Dr. Rogers offers simple but powerful advice: “There’s nothing better than to serve kids and it’s so easy to manage with the assistance CISNT provides. Everyone can make a difference! Please do.”
Tasha Moore, CISNT’s CEO, says of Dr. Rogers, “The impact of a mentoring relationship for a student is immeasurable. Dr. Rogers consistently demonstrated how a mentor can ignite a student’s potential, build their confidence, and inspire them to pursue a life that positively impacts their community.” His story is a beautiful reminder of the lasting difference a caring adult can make in a child’s life.
Learn more about how you can make a difference with CISNT here.