For ten years now Ann Houston has been the dedicated, supportive presence that makes mentoring so impactful for Communities In Schools of North Texas (CISNT) students in Denton ISD. She first learned about CISNT through her church, First United Methodist Church (FUMC) of Denton, which has adopted Rivera Elementary School as part of their community outreach initiative. Wanting to support children and staff at Rivera, Ann signed up as a mentor. Her first mentee was a kindergartener working on making friends and feeling more comfortable at school. Though her family moved after only a few meetings, Ann’s commitment to helping children did not waiver, and since then, she has mentored several students.
Ann’s first meetings with her mentees took place in the library where she and her mentee would draw or do other forms of art together, but Ann’s focus was always on helping her mentee feel comfortable and starting to build trust. Sam Pereyra, CISNT Site Coordinator at River Elementary, says of Ann, “Ann is a reliable mentor for her mentee, always prioritizing her student’s wants and needs to create a sense of safety.”
As Ann’s relationship with her mentee evolves so too does her approach to mentoring. Ann has been meeting with one of her current mentees for four years now, following her from elementary to middle school. CISNT Site Coordinator at Bettye Myers Middle School, Danielle Martinez, says, “Ann has consistently supported her mentee in her endeavors, encouraging her in her musical pursuits and being a positive role model when she needed guidance. I know Ann’s mentee has been grateful for their time together and has enjoyed working with Ann all of these years. We are so happy to have Ann with us at Bettye Myers!”
Ann cares deeply for the students she works with, and while she has faced challenges at times during her mentoring, Ann believes it is worth it and encourages others to consider mentoring a student too. “I have encouraged many others to volunteer by talking about the positive situations I have been in at Rivera. The personal rewards usually occur after at least 1 or 2 semesters of interaction with the child. Currently, I am seeing a 7th grade middle schooler at Betty Meyers MS for the 4th year. 30 minutes is not much time to make a difference but if the child sees enough value to ask for the counseling to continue, it must be doing something positive.” She says.
That dedication and consideration for her students is what makes Ann so special. Ann’s story is a testament to the importance of consistency and patience in mentoring. While the rewards may not always be immediate, the difference she is making in the lives of her mentees is undeniable. Her willingness to give her time and care to students in need has had a lasting impact on the children she works with and is a reminder that even small acts of kindness and support can truly change lives. We are so grateful to have her volunteer with us!
Learn more about how you can make a difference with CISNT here.