Becoming a Thoughtful and Positive Influence

FilibertoFiliberto, a fifth grade student at Borman Elementary in Denton, TX, has been a part of the Communities In Schools of North Texas Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) program since he was in third grade. He does not shy away from telling you how he feels, what he likes, and what he does not like. Filiberto is a student whose mind is constantly on the move, thinking about the next question, analyzing things critically.

Filiberto is definitely a student who will stand up for what he believes is right. In the past, he was sent to my office from time to time with behavior issues. It was never anything severe: just problems with controlling his anger. I would have talks with him and make plans with him on improving his behavior and discuss ways that we could achieve it. I think he took those talks to heart.

As a soon to be sixth grader, I think Filiberto is on the right track to make a smooth transition into the middle school environment. He is still a frequent guest in my office. However this time he’s here to assist the after-school coaches. I frequently observe him in the hallways making sure his class is in line. Filiberto even keeps an eye on the younger grades to make sure they are walking quietly.

The biggest pleasure I get from my job is to see these students grow into better versions of themselves. We are here to guide them and assist them through the process. However for the process to be effective, a student has to take ownership of their growth. The growth has not only been noticed by myself but also by his mother. Filiberto’s mom is so proud of the great strides that he is making. She is even pleased by his politeness, answering her with “Yes, ma’am.” Wow!

Filiberto is an amazing example of how a student who could get in trouble at school and home can work towards becoming a thoughtful and positive influence to other students. He definitely has tremendous support behind him, and we know he will continue to be awesome!