Retired Teacher Continues to Help Students

KarenSkokenKaren Skoken is a retired high school math tutor who reached out to Communities In Schools of North Texas at Northwest High School to offer math tutoring services.

Karen uses her valuable skills to tutor four to six students every week. She is able to help students with homework completion, studying for tests, mastering new content and making up missing assignments. Karen is patient, encouraging, and consistent with the students.

The students who have worked with Karen have shown great improvement. One freshman boy brought his Algebra grade up from a 60 to a 70 after meeting with Karen for several weeks. He now rarely misses a tutoring session. Another student raised her geometry grade from a 56 to a 76, over the course of one grading period. Karen’s tutoring is showing awesome results!!

Having struggled with math myself, I am extremely grateful to have a tutor like Karen working with my s. By providing a valuable and practical resource, she is truly helping these students to succeed. Thank you Karen!