A Robotics Champion in the Making

ChristopherChristopher is a bright, intelligent, thoughtful fifth grade student at Borman Elementary in Denton ISD.

He is a proud member for the drum team, robotics team, and baseball team. Chris has never missed a practice of any extracurricular activity, even though it takes a way a lot of his free time. You can always see Chris in the front row of drum performances, even rocking solo performances.

Chris is always eager to go to his baseball practices and games. I love asking him about how his games went and if he scored any points, I am never disappointed by is descriptive answers. Chris is a student that I have never had a discipline issue with, and he has always been helpful and well-behaved.

This past month, Chris truly inspired me. Borman Elementary hosted a robotics competition on a recent Saturday morning. Chris was one of the first students who arrived, ready to compete. He was also sporting his baseball uniform, ready to head to a game with his dad right after the competition.

Chris did an outstanding job! All of the Borman teachers were impressed with his patience and diligence. He also made an impression on some of the middle school coaches. Chris would see what changes he needed to make to his program, run to his computer to modify the program, upload his program to his robot, and then return to his mat to try it out.

Chris truly inspired me to bring robotics into the Communities In Schools of North Texas After-school program even more next year. It is with full confidence when I say that Chris is going to be a future leader and inventor. Students like him give me the fuel to challenge our students, because they can most certainly push forward and succeed!