Volunteers Empower Students

*Names of clients changed for privacy and protection

We are really excited to welcome back UNT Math and Reading and welcome TWU student volunteers. Our students love and appreciate all the extra support they get from these wonderful students coming on campus. Currently, we have reading volunteers taking groups of 4-6 students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes.

The UNT and TWU volunteers this semester have been awesome! Many of the students have requested to work with certain volunteers this semester. I would like to shout out Megan, Renee, and Allyson. Renee, a UNT Reading student, reads with Ms. Alexis’s 4th grade students. She brings interesting projects for the students to work on to keep them engaged, such as Sight Word Bingo. This group of students all have difficulties reading in English, some students struggle to read in English and Spanish. The work the volunteers are putting in with the students is paying off. In just a few short weeks, Izzy can read seven new English sight words without hesitation. Izzy has also taken a greater interest in reading more books in English. Before working with the volunteers Izzy would only gravitate towards books in Spanish now she will pick up a books in English and try to read them. I am so proud of Izzy for learning new words and taking opportunities to explore new reading material. Thank you volunteers for your presence on campus and enriching the lives of the Hodge ACE students. You are valued here!