The Positive Impact of a Caring Adult

Jaivyn has been part of Rockbrook’s CIS program since he was in 2nd grade and has made so much progress in the past 4 years. When he originally started with CIS in 2nd grade, he struggled with anger, handling his frustrations in a physical way and regulating his emotions. He also struggled to make positive relationships with teachers.

Throughout his time with CIS, he has had a high school buddy, check-ins with the Site Coordinator and has been a part of the Lunch with a Leader program since 4th grade. He has shown growth in regulating his emotions, building relationships with adults, and tries to be his best example to peers in the school and the classroom. I asked him what has helped him working with me and the previous site coordinator, and he said “You guys helped me with how to control my anger and help me understand that even if I am upset, people are there to help and things will be okay”. He said his favorite part of being in CIS is being able to be part of Lunch with a Leader since 4th grade and meeting with Mr. McDaniel. He said Mr. McDaniel has helped him talk through things he has had a hard time with and encourages him to try to be patient when he gets angry.

Mr. McDaniel said, “Jaivyn is a kid that everyone can be proud of. He takes ownership for himself and is committed to always moving forward. He has the ability to make the best out of tough situations that he didn’t choose or create and continues to utilize his strategies we discuss during our meetings.”

We are so proud of you Jaivyn, keep up the great work!

(Pictured: Jaivyn with volunteer/mentor and CISNT Board Member, Don McDaniel)