The Power of a Pair of Shoes

This is a story about shoes. But, like so much of what happens in the CIS office, it’s not just about the shoes. Recently a student was in the office to discuss a classroom behavior issue. They noticed a box of shoes on the shelf, sighed, and looked at their own shoes. I noticed them looking at those shoes, and then noticed the flapping soles of their own shoes, so I asked “would you like to see if we have your size?” They remained reserved until I brought a box in their size. As they slipped the new shoes on their feet their face lit up.

All the way down the hallway that student stopped every single person to point out heir new shoes. It changed their outlook on the day. We talked about taking off the “old” behaviors and putting on the new. It wasn’t JUST about the shoes, but the shoes sure did make a difference! CIS is about breaking down the barriers to help students succeed in school and in life. Basic needs can be a true barrier for students feeling comfortable and focused at school. Passing out items allows for a space to get in an encouraging word, remind a student of their goals, or to let them know someone is in their corner. So, it’s a story about shoes, but it’s never just about the shoes.