King Foundation Provides $25,000 Grant to CISNT to Support Services to Homeless Students

Did you know that CISNT provides case management support to more than 250 students who are homeless every year? Studies show that without adequate support, homeless students in Texas are more likely to receive in school and out of school suspensions and 10 times more likely than housed students to drop out of school, (Texas Appleseed & Texas Network of Youth Services, 2017). Homelessness comes in a variety of forms, such as living out of vehicles, emergency shelters, extended stay motels, parks, and even doubled up with other families. However, none of these provide a stable environment in which a child can learn and grow.

Our Site Coordinators provide critical resources to ensure that ALL students and families have a healthy start and a healthy future. For students experiencing homelessness, services often include: 

  • Providing basic needs, such as school supplies, clothing, and food
  • Assisting families with applications for federal aid
  • Providing referrals to partner organizations for housing resources and affordable medical care
  • Connecting students with positive mentors or tutors
  • Providing counseling and social-emotional supports

Additionally, our Site Coordinators are trained to respond to the trauma and mental health needs that arise. Through these wraparound supports, CISNT provides a SAFE place for all students to learn and grow.

This work certainly cannot be done alone. CISNT is excited to announce that the Carl B. and Florence E. King Foundation has provided CISNT with a grant of $25,000 to support our case management services to Denton County students experiencing homelessness during the 2019-2020 school year. We are so thankful for the King Foundation’s partnership and commitment to ensuring success for this vulnerable population, especially in the midst of the current crisis. To learn more about the King Foundation and their work, visit: Thank you King Foundation for being #AllInForKids!