Students Take Promising Steps During Virtual Learning

*Some names of clients changed for privacy and protection

As Texas schools have halted in-person courses for the remainder of the school year, online learning has become a new norm for students across all grade levels. While virtual courses have definitely taken some “getting used to”, CISNT has observed many students tackling online schooling with great success! 

Jordan Hall, Site Coordinator at Prairie View Elementary, took some time to recognize one impressive CISNT student, Michael.

Jordan writes: 

I want to take a moment to recognize Michael, a student who has been working so hard over these last few weeks. He consistently gets his work done early and it is always done so well! I know all of the PVE staff is so proud to see how hard he is working. His strides towards growth and success are incredible to see. Way to take this difficult situation and turn it into a success!

Students, such as Tanner at Ginnings Elementary School, are also enjoying SEL activities provided by site coordinators. Tanner particularly enjoyed a “kindness cup” activity in which he was asked to “fill a cup” with at least five kind things he did that day. 

Site Coordinator Eminia Vanegas writes:

“I want to shout out Tanner because like all the other students, he has done his best to adjust to virtual learning. Tanner has kept a positive attitude and is participating/completing the weekly SEL activities I post on Google classroom. As you can see, completing his kindness cup put a big smile on his face.” 

CISNT applauds our students for putting their best foot forward during a big change. Way to go, Michael and Tanner!