CISNT Services Provide Needed Support For Family of Three Virtual Learners

This year has brought many challenges with COVID-19, school starting later than usual, and with many families participating in virtual learning. One family at Bell Elementary in Denton ISD has three students who are all virtual learners in the same household. They were referred for the CISNT program due to lack of engagement in their online classes as well as incomplete assignments. Two of the students are in 2nd grade and greatly struggle with reading. After speaking with guardian, Site Coordinator, Samantha Nava learned that the family’s internet connection was not stable and that the home environment is so loud that it is almost impossible to hear virtual lessons.

To ensure the best learning outcomes for these three students, Samantha was able to get the family a Jet Pack to help with internet connectivity and spoke with the guardian about pairing their students with a virtual UNT Tutor named Mr. Casey. From day one it has been very hard to hear the students as there is a lot of background noise. Despite this, Mr. Casey is still able to understand the books the students are reading, ask comprehensive questions, and think of activities, on the spot, related to the specific book. He meets with each student separately, so he spends roughly an hour fighting a bad internet connection and engaging these students. Each week since their first meeting, both students have been excited to meet with him and have been engaged in their reading and assignments. Thank you, Mr. Casey!