Jada’s Resiliency Shines Through

**Student’s name has been changed for privacy.

For all students, the new school year in 2020 brought its own set of challenges with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic causing an unprecedented shift in the education landscape. However, one CISNT 1st grade student, Jada, experienced the additional hardships of transitioning to a new state and a new school.

Jada started the school year off in her hometown in Louisiana. Then a hurricane devastated her home, and her family was forced to make the tough decision to move in with her grandparents in Texas. Jada began attending school at Paloma Creek ES in the middle of September feeling apprehensive and still processing the shock of transitioning to a new life.

The effects of learning a new life under traumatic circumstances started to manifest in Jada’s behavior at school. Due to the pandemic and having to move schools, Jada was also academically behind her peers. Her behavior was causing disruptions in the classroom and she was often off-task. Her teacher felt like she constantly had to redirect Jada and often sent her to the front office to reset herself. Because of her behavior, Jada also had a hard time connecting with her peers and building friendships. With Jada’s days at school filled with mostly negative interactions, she did not want to be at school and was not engaged in her education.

Kellyn Savage, CIS Site Coordinator at Paloma Creek ES, first met Jada when she and her older sister were referred to CIS for school supplies. Ms. Savage quickly learned more about Jada as she began stopping by every morning to tell Ms. Savage to “have a great day!” Even though Jada’s papa was always first in the car line, Jada also made sure to always stop by in the afternoons to say goodbye.

Ms. Savage recognized that Jada was seeking a safe space and a caring relationship with an adult. She knew Jada would be a good fit for mentoring because of her vibrant personality. She paired Jada with a mentor through CIS’s partnership with the UNT Social Work department.  Ms. Savage shared, “Jada loved coming to my office for virtual mentoring. She was always ready with tons of energy and questions.” Jada and her mentor started meeting weekly because they both enjoyed the quality time together. Her mentor did a great job of encouraging Jada and fostering a healthy and safe relationship.

This spring semester, Jada has also joined a Wednesday girls lunch group facilitated by Ms. Bri, a CIS professional counseling intern. The group consists of six first grade girls and focuses on the topic of self-control. They discuss how to control impulsivity, how to control their bodies when they feel upset or sad, and various coping skills. Ms. Savage notes, “it’s been a great opportunity for the girls to socialize and build friendships. Since they are in different classes, COVID has prevented them from having normal opportunities to interact.”

Jada loved getting to attend the weekly group, however, her teacher was reporting Jada was still struggling with behavior in the classroom. Ms. Savage coordinated with the teacher and developed a behavior chart for Jada. Together, Ms. Savage and Jada set the goal for Jada to earn 15 smiley faces before Wednesdays to be able to attend the lunch group. Jada was highly motivated and exceeded her goal by earning 25 smiley faces by the first Wednesday! Jada was always very proud of herself when she earned a smiley face and would say, “Ms. Savage you need to come to my classroom right now. I need to show you how many smiley faces I have earned.” Today, Jada no longer needs the behavior chart but continues to remind Ms. Savage that she is one day closer to girls group and cannot wait.

Her teacher says Jada’s attitude towards school has completely changed and that the shift in her behavior has improved her academics. Jada has progressed from reading at a level “A” to now a level “E” and is now considered to be reading on grade level. Because of CISNT, Jada knows she has a support system at school in addition to the one she has at home, no matter what challenges she may endure. She experienced several unexpected changes in a short time span, but is now motivated to do her best in class and develop relationships with others. Jada is incredibly resilient and is on a path toward a very bright future. CISNT is very proud of all that Jada has accomplished in 1st grade with her CIS Community of Support by her side!