Bridgeport Elementary School Student Brings Creative Club to Campus

To address students’ physical, social-emotional, and academic barriers to success in school, CISNT Site Coordinators provide services to students within the CISNT Six Core Components: Supportive Guidance and Counseling, Health and Human Services, Parent and Family Involvement, College and Career Readiness, Enrichment, and Academic Support. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, student engagement in education has been a significant need this school year. Enrichment services offer a chance for students to develop their interests, social skills, and discover new passions in a safe, supportive environment. 

CISNT Site Coordinators do a fantastic job of offering students with enrichment opportunities, but at Bridgeport Elementary, one second grader used his voice to advocate for a new and exciting club on campus. 

Aidin was connected with the CIS program at Bridgeport Elementary School  after struggling with classroom conduct and making friends at school. Aidin began meeting with Jazmin, a CISNT AmeriCorps member. During his meetings with Jazmin, Aidin expressed an interest in legos and shared his desire to join a club at school. To combine Aidin’s interest in legos and in joining a school club, Jazmin and Aidin began brainstorming ways to make Lego Club into a reality. 

“They first began with creating the different expectations of the club, such as the rules, the qualities of a leader, and what goals they could complete during the meetings,” says CIS Site Coordinator Erika Delgadillo. “The plan was to use this as an incentive for students to work hard, practice self-discipline, and lead by example of good behavior. After brainstorming, they were able to discuss possible advantages that included creative thinking, social skills and using motor skills.”

With the support of the CISNT Site Coordinator and Aidin’s teachers, Jazmin and Aidin were able to officially start the Lego Club! They created signs to display club rules and expectations, and other students were able to start earning their way into the club, which is now held every Friday during recess. 

“As the leader, Aidin informs the participants of the rules and expectations during the initial part of the meeting,” says Ms. Delgadillo. “This club has created a new outlet for students to challenge themselves daily. We look forward to continuing this club and potentially broadening it to all grade levels next school year.”

CISNT is so proud of Aidin for working hard to make his idea into a reality and for setting an example of dedication and leadership for other students! We are also proud of Ms. Delgadillo and Jazmin for fostering creativity and  the value of student voice on their campus and for  ensuring that students are engaged at school – in and out of the classroom. We look forward to seeing Aidin continue to develop his leadership skills and to use his voice to advocate for himself and his peers. Great job, Aidin!