Accomplishing Your GOALs

Gabriella Anahi Salazar is the 2019 Calhoun Middle School Communities In Schools of North Texas Student of the Year! She has participated in CIS for the past three years.

Bella went from a student that was once kicked out of the Girls Operating As Leaders (GOAL) soccer club for fighting as a 6th grader to now being the leader of that same GOAL Club as an 8th grader. She has used her past troubles to help her younger teammates understand what to do and what not to do. As an 8th grader, she has really taken to her role as a leader by taking the incoming 6th and 7th graders under her wing and instilling in them the principles of the program.

She has overcome bullying and has done everything humanly possible to not repeat past transgressions. She is the perfect example of a student that has made some poor decisions turning their life around. She’s constantly fighting against her environment and making it a priority not to become a product of it.

Bella has also been paired with Jazmin Carreon, a mentor from Texas Women’s University and Sigma Delta Lambda, Inc. During one of their more recent mentoring sessions, Bella and Ms. Jazmin looked over the goals that she set last year and were surprised to see that she had met every goal that she set. She even performed so well on a recent MAP test that she is now looking forward to taking the PSAT later this Spring.

Communities In Schools of North Texas is big on surrounding our students with a community of support so that they feel that they have the necessary resources to flourish in school and in life. CISNT, with a partnership from the GOAL program and Sigma Delta Lambda, Inc. have given Bella the tools that have empowered her to achieve many great feats not only this school year but in future years to come! Congratulations, Bella on your accomplishments!