Addressing Food Insecurity During COVID-19

Since the widespread COVID-19 pandemic response began in March, school has changed for many students across grade levels and districts.

CISNT has witnessed first-hand the incredible adaptability of students, their families and faculty during this challenging time, and many of our students have had great success in their virtual learning as they finish the school year! 

However, CISNT is also working to address an issue that many families are facing at this time. As state governments have responded to COVID-19 with closures and shortened hours, widespread job losses have been reported, and food insecurity is one of the many side effects.

With this in mind, CISNT has been taking steps to keep open lines of communication with students’ families about food security and available resources to address food insecurity. Site Coordinators across the 43 campuses served by CISNT have conducted check-ins with students’ families to discuss food availability and connected families in need with places and organizations where food and other items can be accessed. As of the end of April, CISNT staff have made over 4,700 calls, and have made contact with over 2,000 students and families.

Tracey Quezada, Site Coordinator Substitute at Strickland Middle School, is one of many CISNT staff members who have been working closely with CISNT’s partner organizations to address food insecurity during this critical time. 

Tracey writes: 

I have been working closely with Lovepacs Denton and giving them a weekly list of families who are in need of food assistance. They have been a great source of help, and I am so thankful for their amazing contribution of giving back to the community.

CISNT has also partnered with school districts to provide food to families in need since the start of the school closures, and since March, deliveries have been made to over 675 families.

Our students and families continue to demonstrate their incredible resilience through this time, and we applaud our amazing Site Coordinators for their hard work and dedication to serving them! We also want to you, our Community of Support, and everyone who made a food/hygiene donation! We are continuing to collect food and hygiene items for families throughout the summer. If you are interested supporting CISNT resource needs, click the links to see a list of donation items needed:

Most Needed Food Items List