An Incentive to Attend Tutorials

Math TutorialsChristian is an eighth grader at Lake Dallas Middle School. He was referred to the CIS program for basic needs. During his student assessment, I realized that he also needed Academic Support.

In his first progress report, he was failing two core classes and when his first report card was released, Christian failed Math and Science.

During the second six weeks Christian worked with our volunteer math tutors from the University of North Texas and came to the CIS room during his Study Hall class to try and get work done. Unfortunately, his efforts were not enough and for the second Six Weeks he failed Teen Leadership, Math and Science. Going on to the third six weeks reporting period, we knew we had to work hard to make sure he passed his two core classes. Because he had already failed the first and second six weeks, Christian was in danger of failing the semester in Math and Science.

After discussing the issue with teachers and students, I realized that many of the students failing were not attending tutorials. We brainstormed and developed a Tutorial Tracking Sheet for all students who received a 75 or less in their past report card. If they attended two tutorials each week until the last week before Winter Break and their teachers signed off on the tracking sheet, they would be rewarded with a pizza lunch in the CIS room. Christian was in this group.

Christian did a great job in utilizing his Tutorial Tracking Sheet. Not only did he attend the Tutorials in the classes he had failed, he also ended up passing ALL his classes for the third report card. He was very excited to join our group of other students in their pizza lunch. Christian worked very hard and he earned those passing grades! I am very proud of him, and we will continue to work hard this semester to maintain and even improve his grades.