Angel is All In for Pursuing Her Dreams!

Angel is a graduate of Denton High School and Communities In Schools of North Texas is thrilled to celebrate her success and bright future!

Angel has been in CISNT for all four years that she has been at Denton HS and has received supportive guidance. Jessica Mier, the CIS Site Coordinator at Denton HS, shares that Angel started the year struggling with deciding her path after graduating high school, so during Angel’s senior year, the focus was supporting Angel as she navigated the college application process. From providing support with FAFSA to communicating with parents about college, Ms. Mier made sure there weren’t any barriers between Angel and whatever path she wanted to choose.

Angel chooses to come to the CIS room almost every single day to check in with Ms. Mier and shares any updates regarding her college applications. Ms. Mier says that she has seen Angel’s confidence and decision-making skills improve. Angel used to rely on others for advice to make a choice, but Ms. Mier says she has grown and was able to identify what school would be the best option for her and why.

Angel taking charge of her future is a great demonstration that she is beginning to trust her own instincts and can advocate for herself in any situation that may arise. Angel has learned to identify when she is struggling and knows she can come to CIS to get additional support, such as getting a letter of recommendation or taking the time to learn about student loans and how they work.

Angel says, “I like coming to CIS when I am struggling because I know that I will also have someone there that has been through this process and can help me as a first-gen student.”

CISNT is so proud of Angel’s decision to attend North Central Texas College this fall and her plan to transfer to Texas Women’s University. Ms. Mier says, ” I am so proud of her for being determined to go to college and to giving up when her road wasn’t always a clear path. Seeing other first-gen students achieve their goals is so rewarding and I cannot wait to see all the great things Angel does in her very bright future!”