CISNT ACE Afterschool Program Provides a Safe Space for All Students to Learn

Summer is coming to an end, and CISNT is gearing up for the 2020-2021 school year – but before we jump into the new school year, we want to take a moment to spotlight one of our standout ACE students from last year!  Zach was signed up for ACE programs during his 6th grade year […]

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CISNT Kicks Off ACE Summer Distance Learning

Summer is here, and as schools finish their academic year during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, CISNT is doubling down on serving students through ACE summer distance learning programs. This summer, ACE teachers and Site Coordinators are updating ACE websites weekly with new videos, activities, and lesson plans, as well as sending links to students and […]

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CISNT ACE Programs Continue to Serve Students and Families

As school campuses closed their doors for the Spring semester and transitioned to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students and their families found their daily routines upended. Just as many students rely on school campuses as a source of established routines, safety, and stability, many parents are able to work and generate income […]

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Maturing in the CIS Afterschool Program

Nimish, a 5th grader at Evers Park Elementary in Denton, TX, has been in the Communities In Schools of North Texas Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) program since he was in 3rd grade. The CISNT ACE program is an afterschool academic enrichment program that provides a safe place for students to be after the school […]

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Volunteers Empower Students

*Names of clients changed for privacy and protection We are really excited to welcome back UNT Math and Reading and welcome TWU student volunteers. Our students love and appreciate all the extra support they get from these wonderful students coming on campus. Currently, we have reading volunteers taking groups of 4-6 students in 3rd, 4th, […]

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