CISNT Boys Leadership Group at Ginnings Elementary Brings Positive Role Models to Students

Six years ago, the CISNT program at Ginnings Elementary in Denton ISD began its first ever boys’ leadership mentoring group in order to encourage positive leadership and behavior through mentoring with caring adults. Eminia Vanegas, the CISNT Site Coordinator at Ginnings, started the group with volunteers from the Denton Noon Rotary Club, the Denton community, and the CISNT Board. The group has thrived over the years and been a great benefit to both students and their volunteer mentors. 

The leadership group meets once a month and focuses on teaching the students positive leadership skills and character traits. Mentors are paired individually with a student for a one-to-one connection, while the group meetings allow for students’ collaborative learning and growth. The goal of the group is to provide positive relationships and role models that will encourage and motivate the students to succeed in and out of school. 

During each meeting, the boys and mentors eat lunch together and participate in a leadership lesson and activity led by the Site Coordinator. Over the years, the group has even been able to take field trips to the Denton Courthouse, Denton Central Fire Station, UNT Athletic Center, Apogee Stadium and had lunch with the UNT Football Players.

Ms. Vanegas says that the students enjoy having one on one time with a caring adult while in a group setting. The mentors are there to have fun and provide support, but also to help talk with the boys about making good choices. One of the things that Ms. Vanegas values most about the group is dedication of the mentors. If a mentor needs to miss one meeting, another mentor will step in and work with the other student. She feels that every mentor past and present has been dedicated to the program and truly cares for their mentees.

Ms. Vanegas feels that the leadership group impacts the students the most by providing positive relationships and role models. The students have an additional adult other than the Site Coordinator and teachers who hold them accountable. Being part of the leadership group helps them gain additional resources that we hope will motivate them to make better choices in school. Students love coming to the group, and it is used as a source of motivation for them to propel their success in and outside of the classroom.

CISNT is thankful for the community volunteers who make this group possible. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with CISNT to make a positive difference in a student’s life, visit to get started today!