CISNT Site Coordinator Empowers and Uplifts Student After Big Move

**Student names have been changed for privacy.

Large moves and relocations can be challenging for children, and relocating to a new country entirely can be especially difficult. CISNT Site Coordinators are always ready to connect these incoming students with resources for success, and Aydee Duarte, Site Coordinator at Lakeland Elementary, was able to help one particular student thrive and find his place on campus. 

CISNT student “S” came to Lakeland Elementary in first grade, and he and his family found it difficult adjusting to a new country, a new way of life, and a new school. “S” was enrolled in school in his previous country, but his schedule was inconsistent, and Lakeland Elementary presented an unfamiliar school setting.

“Coming to Lakeland meant new rules and a structured day, which was very difficult and caused many emotional breakdowns during the day,” writes Ms. Duarte. 

As she came to know “S”, Ms. Duarte learned that he was still grieving the loss of his father, who he had been extremely close with. Ms. Duarte began working to connect “S” with resources to address the emotional challenges he had been dealing with, and to get him on a track to success.

“Working with mom and the school diagnostician and the CIS Mental health coordinator we were able to create a plan on how to help him,” writes Ms. Duarte. “With this plan, we discovered that he did not mind the structured environment, and that he actually worked better in it. When he began receiving services from the school, CIS became a supporting factor to him and mom, a resource when mom needed it, and a cheerleader for S by checking in weekly to see how things are going.”

Once Ms. Duarte connected “S” with mental health services and additional support, things began to turn around! Since receiving support from CISNT and Ms. Duarte, “S” has made significant progress in communication, classroom control, and academics.

“I could not be more proud of him,” Ms. Duarte writes. “You no longer hear the principals being called to his classroom, and he now carries himself proudly as a Lakeland student. Everyone who met him his first year here and knows him can see the tremendous change in him.”

“S” has made such profound progress as a student at Lakeland Elementary that his classroom even took steps to recognize and award him for his hard work!

“He was named his classroom’s “Student of the Month” for January,” writes Ms. Duarte. “He has worked so hard to achieve his goals of becoming a good student. And receiving that award meant so much to him and his mom.”

CISNT is proud of the resilience demonstrated by “S” as he worked hard to adjust to and thrive in his new environment, and we applaud Ms. Duarte for empowering and uplifting “S” following a big change.

CISNT is #AllInForKids!