CISNT Students Thrive During The New School Year

It’s October, and the 2020-2021 school year is in full swing. Despite the changes to their schooling environment, CISNT students have been rising to the occasion and putting their best foot forward as they tackle the new school year! 

Things are off to a great start in the CISNT ACE program at Lakeland Elementary School. CISNT ACE teacher Andrea Trochez took a moment this month to shout-out a particular student who has made leaps and bounds during her time with ACE.

Olivia joined ACE during her fourth grade year, and was very shy and quiet in the beginning. Olivia expressed that making friends and talking to people was challenging for her, so Ms. Andrea set out to make sure thatOlivia was comfortable in her ACE classroom.

Ms. Andrea writes:

“I noticed that Olivia was always willing to help out, so I made her become my teacher’s assistant in the classroom. As the days went by Olivia started to come out of her shell, and soon enough, she was making friends. Now that she’s in fifth grade, I can see how ACE has impacted her in a positive way. She’s not the shy person she once was in fourth grade and she continues to always be a helping hand for the teachers and her classmates.”

Way to go, Olivia and Ms. Andrea!

At Bridgeport Middle School, Site Coordinator Jamey Carpenter spotlighted a new student who has shown positivity and enthusiasm for CISNT.

Chloe, a seventh grader who referred herself to CISNT, has taken an active role in the program at Bridgeport Middle School. For Chloe, CISNT is all about helping others, and Chloe has said that she wants to learn to not only empower herself, but also be a motivating voice for others!

Ms. Carpenter writes:

“Chloe is already using her artistic abilities to cope with everyday stress and is using her art to uplift those around her. She has a couple of pieces up on the CIS art wall, both include positive affirmations. Chloe even took it upon herself to create a CIS Pass for students to visit the CIS Room. When she has put the finishing touches on them, I will send them out to teachers to begin using for students. Chloe is embracing the positivity she has learned through CIS to be a bright spot on our campus.”

We are thrilled to see a student who is bringing her talents to the CIS room at her campus, and we applaud Chloe for being a force of positivity at her school! 

At Lewisville High School, Site Coordinator Andrea Sholin has noticed that one of her students, Grace, is focused on the future. Grace was previously recognized as CISNT’s 2020 Student of the Year, and she is still on her path to success! Ms. Sholin paired Grace with CISNT AmeriCorps member Abby McElroy in order to provide her with extra guidance through the college application process.

Ms. Sholin writes:

“CIS has been able to pair our AmeriCorps member with a student who has shown a lot of interest in applying for colleges, preparing their college essays and working on their resume for letter of intents. Being able to see the excitement and hard work this student puts into work on their future has been so rewarding. Not only is this rewarding, but the relationship that we have started to build with them has been fulfilling. CIS is eager to continue working with this student and helping them reach their goal.”

Grace’s journey has been incredible to witness, and we can’t wait to see where it takes her! We know that she will do great things with help from CISNT!

CISNT is proud of our Site Coordinators for going above and beyond to support their students during the new school year, and we are proud of our students for the amazing things they are accomplishing in spite of the dramatic changes to their learning environment! 

With open arms and masks on, CISNT is always #AllInForKids!