Developing Confidence and Leadership

Cecelia (left) with her Northwest High School PAL.
Cecelia (left) with her Northwest High School PAL.

I’m very proud to brag on Cecelia, a 7th grade student at Gene Pike Middle School in Northwest ISD.

Cecelia has been a part of Communities In Schools of North Texas program for the last 2 years.  When I first met Cecelia she radiated with kindness and had a sweet smile for everyone.  After working with her, I learned that behind her smile, she was struggling with self-esteem, confidence issues and struggling in math.  She holds herself to very high standards for her grades, wanting to achieve her goal of maintaining outstanding grades.

I have paired Cecilia with a PAL student from Northwest High School for the past two years, they meet every other week.  She participates in lunch group every week and meets with a University of North Texas math tutor when needed. I recommended her for the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program, and she was one of the 7th grade students picked to be a part of our new AVID program this year.

As a Site Coordinator, it is truly a delight to see a student grow in so many areas. I love to see how her confidence as risen but also becoming a leader amongst her peers. I believe this is a testament of the mission of Communities In Schools of North Texas, to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.