Escaping Violence to Come to the Land of Opportunity

DanielDaniel, a senior at Little Elm High School in Little Elm, TX, came to the United States from El Salvador in February of 2013.

Daniel made the journey to America alone, leaving his father, mother, and two older sisters behind. He came to the United States as a refugee to join an older brother and older sister to escape the violence that was taking place around his home country.

When he enrolled, Daniel’s English was extremely limited and the school registrar quickly contacted me for assistance. He immediately began participation in the CISNT program, receiving School Supplies and basic needs assistance. In addition, I was able to connect Daniel with Vincenza “Jen” Morrick, a volunteer mentor who had a background in ESL instruction.

Daniel, meets weekly with Vincenza who works with him on language acquisition. She frequently gives Daniel additional assignments to work on from week to week which were not related to grades in any of his classes. Each week Daniel would come to my office with the assignments completed.

Daniel is in his third year working with Vincenza and truly values his time with her. He has made tremendous strides in his English language both verbally and written. Daniel always presents himself with a smile and a positive manner with an eagerness to learn and grow. He has even participated in the AT&T Aspire Mentoring Program to prepare for his future after high school and college.

Over time Daniel has opened up more about his personal life and the struggle he has endured and continues to endure being so far removed from his father and family. Daniel has become involved with the Little Elm High School Varsity Soccer Team. Daniel has definitive goals and wants to work in the computer field when he completes his high school and college years. He certainly wants to take full advantage of the Land of Opportunity and to be successful in Life!