Excelling Despite the Challenges

It is no secret that middle school can be tough for many students. Students face different challenges, but many still excel!

Moi moved away from his family over the summer to attend Lake Dallas Middle School. Moi was initially nervous to attend a school where teachers did not speak the same language he did. He only knew a few words in English so he quickly came up with a solution. He would either use his phone or a school Chromebook to translate his conversations. His teachers knew he would struggle because of the language barrier. Soon he received his grades, and we were all very proud that they were all above 80!

He lived with distant family members and helped work in their family restaurant. He wanted to make his family proud and worked really hard. He also joined the GOAL (Guys Operating As Leaders) and Cross Country teams. Soon it all became overwhelming and his grades began to decline.

Moi reached out to CIS to talk about his struggles. He wanted to give up, and he missed his family so much. However, He did not want to disappoint anyone or himself and didn’t want to quit one of the activities.

With the help of CIS, Moi developed a schedule. He learned to prioritize his time and that it was okay to give himself a break. He will end the semester as a valued goalie for GOAL, with A’s and B’s in his academic scores, and helping at the family restaurant. He even helped a friend who was also facing challenges. Thanks to Moi, his friend is now receiving additional support services to be on the track to success.

Though Moi had many reasons to give up, he persevered! Everyone can see how hard Moi works, and we are glad he is a part of Lake Dallas Middle School and Communities In Schools. He’s truly an example to follow, and we are all very proud of Moi!