Finding Your Voice in a New Country

LenLen is one of the bravest students I know. She is a ninth grader at Lewisville High School-Killough Campus.

This is Len’s first year in America, and she has embraced high school’s challenges and opportunities with an open mind and a smile on her face. Len came into my office in September and told me she wanted to join choir because singing is her favorite thing to do. We asked the counselors if we could fit choir into her schedule and we were told no because her ESL classes took up her entire day.

Len was crushed at first, but I told her we would look for other opportunities. We found a club at Killough called Sing-zicians that was once thriving but was losing interest from students. I walked Len and a friend to one of the club meetings during lunch, and the rest is history.

Len sings with a retired principal and music teacher every Wednesday and has made multiple friends through the club. She sang a solo to “Let It Go” in front of the entire student body in December and got second place in the talent show contest.

In February, Len sang another solo in her native Chin language at the Chin Festival hosted by Lewisville High School-Harmon Campus. I am so proud of Len for literally using her voice to embrace the American school culture and make new friends. A poster of Len singing is displayed in the school hallway, and she is an inspiration to other students because she does not use being new to America as an excuse not to get involved and embrace new opportunities.