Helping a Student Achieve Success

Rikki_IndiaTo me, the beauty of the model of Communities In Schools is best seen through the mentoring program at Lewisville High School-Killough campus. My volunteer mentor, Rikki Evans, has exemplified the mission statement of Communities in Schools—to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

Rikki told me that in high school she used to get into trouble, argue with her mother and was barely passing her classes. She had a mentor throughout high school who saw her potential and helped her turn her life around. Rikki saw the impact her mentor had on her life and decided she wanted to do the same for a student who was in a similar circumstance.

I was thrilled to pair Rikki, now a graduate of the University of North Texas, with a beautiful girl named India who was having a rough start to her 10th grade year. India was frequently placed in In-School Suspension for arguing with other students and teachers, and she told me how much she didn’t like school because she would much rather move back to Louisiana with her grandmother who raised her.

India’s life was turned upside down when her family told her she was moving to Texas to live with her mother. I matched India with Rikki and they hit it off right from the start. Rikki even wore her Air Jordans to school to prove to India that she is a cool 26-year-old. They have formed an amazing relationship. They talk about raising India’s grades as well as her relationship with her parents. Every week Rikki gives India a play-by-play recap of what has happened over her past week. Sometimes Rikki will do role play scenarios with India to practice coping skills and relationship building skills.

Rikki’s consistency is what has truly made a difference in India’s life. She is there each and every Wednesday, right on time. India knows she has someone she can count on who will be there to listen to her, support her, and guide her towards making better decisions. India’s grades have improved, her behavior has improved, and she enjoys coming to school on Wednesdays because she knows she will see Rikki. I am so proud of Rikki and India, and I look forward to seeing this relationship blossom even more.