Helping Hands for Little Hearts

Helping Hands for Little Hearts, a non-profit organization that has partnered up with Communities in Schools to help meet the needs of students in creative and useful ways, has been so helpful with kick starting the school year with healthy and nutritional snacks for our students across North Texas.

Through their program called Power Snacks, Helping Hands provides high protein snacks to students on the free/reduced lunch program. Their goal is to allow these children the comfort of snacks so they can remain engaged and focused on learning, rather than going hungry.

Helping Hands wants to help those who have no control over their circumstances and deserve the security in knowing that they won’t go hungry. By partnering with Communities In Schools, we can quickly identify students who can benefit from their service and work towards the common goal of removing barriers to academic success.

Students that have minimal resources may lack the nutritional value, which can cause difficulty focusing in class, regulating their emotions, and challenges with learning. Snacks that contain the nutritional value that these students lack will help prepare them so that they can focus on learning rather than when they will get to eat next.

By providing these snacks, students improve their focus, limit nurse visits, and remove the distractions that are caused in the classroom due to lack of basic needs. Students can focus on academics rather than worrying about their next meal. Students benefit from the nutrients that these snacks have and can have a peace of mind knowing that they won’t have to go hungry.

Teachers have expressed their appreciation as they are able to focus on teaching knowing that the basic needs of their students are being met. Students have shared their gratitude that they can feel at ease that they won’t have to go throughout the day hungry.

We are so thankful for all the time and dedication that Helping Hands for Little Hearts have provided our students. Thanks to them, we are fueled up and ready to learn!