“I believe I can conquer the life I live and the problem I face.”

Lian, a senior at Lewisville High School, came to America as a refugee from Burma when he was in middle school. He had never been in a developed country, did not speak English, never had a consistent roof over his head, and had to leave his parents back in Burma. Lian has been on my caseload for one year. We have worked on college preparation, raising his grades, and most importantly developing his confidence in his ability to succeed.

Recently, Lian asked me to help spellcheck an essay for his scholarship application. The essay was supposed to be about your life journey to this point, and what characteristics he possesses that have helped him be successful. As I began to read his paper, I started to realize this student has gone through unimaginable experiences. From sleeping in a jungle, to running for his life, and ultimately being placed in a situation where he had to choose to give up and die or continue on finding his own inner strength at 14 years old.

I am so proud of Lian, he is such a strong, smart, and caring student. I am so thankful and proud to know he will be the next generation of young people that will be shaping our society.