Interns and AmeriCorps Members Make a Difference in Their Own Lives and in Students’ Lives

Communities In Schools of North Texas (CISNT) partners with area colleges and universities to provide internships that help college students develop the skills they will need in the future. CISNT also partners with AmeriCorps, the network of national service programs through which members—primarily college students– commit their time to address critical community needs. Each year, AmeriCorps members and interns help provide programs and services that help students at risk, help recruit volunteers, and assist with special CISNT projects.

When Courtney, an AmeriCorps member pursuing her Master’s degree in social work, began serving with CISNT, she and her site coordinator noticed that Maria was frequently came to the CIS room during lunch. Maria followed the same pattern each day. She came in, sat down, spoke to no one, and refused to eat anything for lunch. Courtney began to reach out to Maria, working to engage her in conversation. Courtney was patient, and Maria began to open up. Courtney learned that Maria was facing mental health challenges and did not have a place where she felt secure at school. Throughout the year, Courtney developed a bond with Maria. Now, Maria comes into the CIS room at lunch not to hide, but to talk with adults that she can trust. She even now eats a snack in “her spot” that she has called her own in the CIS room.

Working with Maria has been a positive experience for Courtney, giving her a chance to practice her professional skills and knowledge, while building her confidence in knowing that she has the power to make a difference in a child’s life. And because of Courtney, Maria now has a safe place to learn and grow, where she knows that she is accepted and loved just as she is.

CISNT will employ 39 AmeriCorps Members throughout the 2019-2020 school year. In addition to critical learning experience, AmeriCorps Members complete a leadership development project, preparing them for a life of positive service to the community. AmeriCorps members also receive an educational award upon completion of their service, which can be used to support their college tuition or pay off college debt. CISNT is thrilled to offer the AmeriCorps program, not only providing impactful learning to college students, but providing critical services to CISNT students as well.

If you or someone you know may be interested in serving as a CISNT AmeriCorps Member, visit