Learning to Lead

Olivia (left) with Ms Andrea (right).

Olivia first became a student of mine in the CIS ACE program at Lakeland Elementary when she was in fourth grade. She first came to ACE as a shy and quiet student. Little by little she came out of her shell. Since Olivia was shy, she would express to me that she had no one to talk to her or that she didn’t have any friends in our class.

I made sure Olivia felt comfortable being in my class and in ACE. When we do our activities for homework or academic enrichment, she is always one of the ones that does her work and sometimes does even more than was asked of her.

I noticed that Olivia was always willing to help me out, so I made her my teacher’s assistant in the classroom. As the days went by Olivia started to come out of her shell. Soon enough, she was making friends.

Now that Olivia is in fifth grade, I can see how ACE has impacted her in a positive way. She is not the shy person she once was in fourth grade, and she continues to always be a helping hand for her teachers and classmates. I am proud of the student Olivia has become and I know she has a bright future ahead of her.